Member Testimonials

Recently, we asked long time ASORN members to share their experience with the organization and why membership has been beneficial for them throughout their careers.

Check out their stories!

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Member Testimonials

"Most of the time I feel like a tiny speck in a huge world where no one speaks my language (ophthalmology language). Here I have camaraderie.
ASORN membership provides my continuing education resources and keeps me 'up' on all the new 'stuff'. You speak my language. But mostly ASORN provides a voice for this 'tiny speck'. I believe there is power in numbers. Too often ophthalmology is discounted - until we are needed. Compared to other healthcare specialties our numbers are small.Often patients see CRNO on my badge and ask what it means. With pride and confidence I assure them that it means their eye nurse is educated, devoted, and by maintaining certification I keep current on issues relevant to their care. That would not be possible without ASORN."
ASORN Member Juli Young
"While in school, I've been impressed with the need for evidence-based nursing and getting information from 'those who know best' ...........
Before coming to the VA, I was the manager of SPD at my hospital and would certainly have appreciated having a copy of the ASORN's manual on taking care of eye instruments. After learning about TASS I decided to re-write our policy. ..........
Thank you so much for all you do, it's so important. I happily received all your encouragement and help today, it's been a great boost to my spirit. "
ASORN Member Ann